Forums - CVS2: Guile thread Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CVS2: Guile thread ( Posted by CapMaster on 02:28:2002 10:00 PM: CVS2: Guile thread Everyone else is making character-specific threads on CVS2, so I'll make one for a character nobody has touched yet: Guile. In this game he's my favorite "underdog" character. Well maybe he may not be an underdog to some, but he may not be a "favorite" either. (top tier, shotos, etc.) I've been playing around with Guile and I'd love to know more. I'm using him right now in A groove. I feel his best grooves are A, N, and K. I like him in A groove because he generally doesnt get too much chance to land supers and has an easy to do, anywhere on screen CC. I say he works in N and K because of the addition of run and the damage power ups. What are Guile's best and worst matchups? For other grooves outside of A, what are some really big damage combos? Does he have a good, reliable anti-air CC? Thanks for all who add in. Everyone feel free to write in your thoughts on Guile, combos, strats, whatever. Here everyone contributes/helps! Posted by UCRollerblader on 03:01:2002 12:25 PM: Ok, I'll just add a few things I do with guile. First of all, I use him in C, N, or K groove. His best anti-airs are early c. fierce, and s. strong. Flash Kicks suck asshole as anti-air. The jab sonic boom is your friend. Throw them, and run or dash after them and you have a lot of options from there. You can hit forward, roundhouse, c. roundhouse, c. forward, s. fierce, c. strong, damn, just all these possibilities. Guile's supers all kick ass. His sonic hurricane comes out quick, works as a wakeup, and takes a shitload of damage off. It can't be alpha countered, It chips like a madman, and it fuckin kicks ass. This is the greatest weapon guile was given. jumping roundhouse is good anti-air too. A damaging combo----> j. fierce, c. strong, roundhouse flashkick. uh, roll to flashkick works good as a surprise attack once in a while but don't abuse it. Throw whenever you get the chance. I dunno, I'm tired so this is a shitty ass time to be writing about guile. Posted by UCRollerblader on 03:02:2002 11:00 PM: bump Posted by shiningsoul on 03:03:2002 12:02 AM: Two ways you can go with Guile: 1) "Sitting Guile" or 2) Rushdown Guile. If you're gonna play him rushdown you have to learn all, appreciate, and ab-use his command moves. Dash/Run in into Rolling Sobat-> Sonic Boom. If you know Apoc's "charge trick" you can pressure with a bunch of fierce SBs. Learn his combos/links. I play P-Guile so SB->Parry->Sonic Hurricane is fun. Learn to keep pressure with him and how/when to charge. If the opponent is rushing you down use that to your advantage. Find any holes in his blocked combo string (like for shotos, J.Roundhouse, cr.Forward, Hadoken; there's usually a hole in-between the Forward and Hadoken) and Sonic Hurricane that ass... I'm still trying to re-learn Guile myself but make sure you learn all his different regulars/command. Posted by popoblo on 03:03:2002 05:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by shiningsoul Two ways you can go with Guile: 1) "Sitting Guile" or 2) Rushdown Guile. If you're gonna play him rushdown you have to learn all, appreciate, and ab-use his command moves. Dash/Run in into Rolling Sobat-> Sonic Boom. If you know Apoc's "charge trick" you can pressure with a bunch of fierce SBs. Learn his combos/links. I play P-Guile so SB->Parry->Sonic Hurricane is fun. Learn to keep pressure with him and how/when to charge. If the opponent is rushing you down use that to your advantage. Find any holes in his blocked combo string (like for shotos, J.Roundhouse, cr.Forward, Hadoken; there's usually a hole in-between the Forward and Hadoken) and Sonic Hurricane that ass... I'm still trying to re-learn Guile myself but make sure you learn all his different regulars/command. what's Apoc's "charge trick?" my sorry ass excuse for a B&B combo is- cr lp, cr lp, flash kick. that's just for mistakes punishable on the ground that i can always hit. because the worst thing is to miss a flash kick in a combo, because then the opponent can rip you a new one. what are some of guile's other good combo's? especially ones that combo into his sonic hurricane? Posted by 26 on 03:03:2002 05:54 AM: if u have meter charged and land stray jabs, u can usually go for the total wipeout (right name? i mean cb f b f+K). or even jump fierce, jab jab L1 total wipeout. i mention this because i felt Guile seems to have been stripped of methods to punish mistakes. also, far standing strong is quite ok as anti-air actually, and i find myself using it more than low fierce. Posted by CapMaster on 03:03:2002 10:01 PM: Good question...What is the Apoc charge trck? Posted by YellowS4 on 03:03:2002 11:32 PM: a Pguile can seriously rush ppl down and make them pay for their mistakes. his SBsuper. you can almost use it like the rock/balrog one. after a blocked crouching roundhouse, just use the super. also, when you play ppl who use the "pokex3+fireball," throw in the sonic super to eat up the fireball and your opponent. parry into airgrab works well too... Posted by dogberry on 03:03:2002 11:48 PM: Apoc's charge trick: instead of doing, say, a sonic boom by CB, F+P, do it with CB, F, B+P. That way the sonic boom will still come out, but by pulling back when you hit the punch button for sonic boom, you'll already be charging another one even as the first sonic boom is coming out. Hope that helps. Keep up the Guile discussion please. Guile is cool. Posted by pain on 03:04:2002 03:47 AM: Can't do it.... is it really strict timing or sumptn? Posted by Battousai on 03:04:2002 06:12 AM: could guile be used effectively in A groove??? and if so, what is his CC combo... Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:04:2002 12:58 PM: a groove: ill practice and let u know my cc combos guile is not good in p groove by the way only in c n and k k: u can rushdown and easily parry almost every moves when u parry booyah level 3 full rage guile ratio 2 note: in k groove do the sonic typhoon always not the super doubl flash kick not enough damagin btw c: no rushdown but it has priorities n groove: it's really easy low sonic boom, rush down or runaway to power up some red dots heh p groove: well...sorry no use because if u r in a tourney they can easily own u by rushing down so sorry p groove is not for guile i have seen guile players at p groove Posted by The Big Z on 03:04:2002 07:19 PM: Could you explain what you're talking about? What do you mean by C-groove having "priorities," why is a run required for a rushdown, and why is P-Guile rushed down for free as you claim? By the way, I play P-guile on occasion, I use his normals to stay on the opponent while munching guardbar and go for a super when he breaks. Dead simple, but pretty solid due to the vartiety of advancing normals and good range guile has. Plus parry helps his anti-air and generally is really helpful and being able to sit on a hurricane helps this approach. Posted by CapMaster on 03:04:2002 08:19 PM: My b&b A-Guie combo is: CLose standing fierece, spinning backfist (f+HP) times 3, f+MK timex infinity, Somersault Strike at the end. Posted by YellowS4 on 03:04:2002 09:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Big Z Could you explain what you're talking about? What do you mean by C-groove having "priorities," why is a run required for a rushdown, and why is P-Guile rushed down for free as you claim? By the way, I play P-guile on occasion, I use his normals to stay on the opponent while munching guardbar and go for a super when he breaks. Dead simple, but pretty solid due to the vartiety of advancing normals and good range guile has. Plus parry helps his anti-air and generally is really helpful and being able to sit on a hurricane helps this approach. i agree about the Pguile. how can a Cgroove guile rushdown? how can he possibly jump on someone if they just do a simple AA to knock you back down? yes. how does Pguile or Pgroove in general get rushed down for free? BigZ its good you know what your talking about. im not so sure bout the other person claiming Pguile is owned for free... yesyes. Parry helps guile w/his ground and air game much more effectively.. Posted by Agent Guile on 03:09:2002 02:25 PM: I don't think there's any move that can beat the startup of the sonic hurricane. HEHE! It beats the crap out of any high-priority pokes. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:09:2002 03:19 PM: ok a groove: sorry i just dont like a groove ok for all the other peeps u can rushdown with guile in c groove on your own try combining not go forwarding all the time just combine ok and u will see what i mean as i was saying p groove with guile is not good no priorities Posted by Agent Guile on 03:10:2002 07:23 AM: quote: (KEN VS GUILE) WHO WILL WIN? What's with this signature? Posted by The Big Z on 03:10:2002 07:15 PM: Hey TrueNewbie, like I said earlier, could you explain what you're talking about? quote: ok for all the other peeps u can rushdown with guile in c groove on your own try combining not go forwarding all the time just combine ok and u will see what i mean as i was saying p groove with guile is not good no priorities This is meaningless gibberish lacking any strategic significance to anyone. I still don't know what you mean by "priorities" in this context, and the rest of it is equally unintelligible. I really don't mean to flame, I just want this thread to have usable content. And now for a new guile question: Does he have a default bread and butter all-ground combo? Right now I only combo with him off jump-ins, I punish ground mistakes w/ a backfist or sweep (when I have no meter or no charge), but I'd like to improve how I punish mistakes w/o using meter. Also, I use P-groove, just in case run vs. dash matters for these. Posted by b0kch0yb0y on 03:10:2002 11:44 PM: Guile gets totally raped by P or K groove. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:11:2002 12:54 AM: sorry ok u can easily rushdown in c groove u dont have to go forward all the time u just have to combine with kicks and punches for an instance down lk forward mk down lk down mk, forward hk best combination all of time in c groove thats what i meant but in k groove its easier its just that guile is in better in c groove because of level 2 combination and level 1 heh too many damaging and also did u know that sonic typhoon of him has more damagin in c groove? Posted by The Big Z on 03:11:2002 03:06 PM: Thanks for explaining more fully truenewbie. I still don't like guile in c-groove, his roll is average and his level 2 cancels still aren't as good as his Hurricane IMHO Now bokchoyboy, could you elaborate on how p and k grooves beat guile so badly? Is guile's midrange poking game too predicatable? Is it how they deal with sonic booms, hurting guile's space controlling ability? Or is it because especially air parries expose guile's weakness in the antiair department? I'm the only person in my circle of friends who uses P groove (with guile ) so I really don't know what P and K do to guile that they can't do to anyone else. Again, does guile have a ground b&b combo for punishing mistakes w/o meter? Also does he have any good wake-up moves to break meaty pressure? Posted by D-side on 03:11:2002 06:55 PM: Is guile's midrange poking game too predicatable? [/B][/QUOTE] I use P-groove, and when i play Guile i see things like his standing fierce kick coming easily, and also when he goes for a crouching roundhouse if you block the first hit you can easily parry the second hit, also flashkicks are nothing to a p or k groove that just what ive got experience. Posted by Goutetsu_X on 03:11:2002 07:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by b0kch0yb0y Guile gets totally raped by P or K groove. Hey Kevin, care to try it?? A few tidbits: Guile rules with N-groove. Good wake-up is a level 1 Somersault Justice (if they're throwing a punch/kick it will land all hits like 6 or sumthin) You can't over-use his Sonic Hurricane Good anti air is c.FP, but throw spinning backhands if you are anticipating the jump (and close enough) Has good cornering tactics Short jump with either RK or Fk... both have good distance This may sound scrubby, but i hate P or K for guile, it inturrupts turtling tactics. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:11:2002 08:56 PM: yes sorry to say this but hes right guile gets owned by p or k groove easily wait no...... actually if u use guile k groove hes the best and u can kill eaisly with anyone p-guile groovers are not good against c groovers or n or k Posted by YellowS4 on 03:11:2002 09:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR yes sorry to say this but hes right guile gets owned by p or k groove easily wait no...... actually if u use guile k groove hes the best and u can kill eaisly with anyone p-guile groovers are not good against c groovers or n or k wtf. now i wnt to know what you mean by that? dont tell me Pguile loses to n/k. how come? is it b/c guile has no roll? does he really need it? no he doesnt. Pguile in hands of an expert will do very good against everyone Posted by cheese_master on 03:11:2002 10:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Big Z Thanks for explaining more fully truenewbie. I still don't like guile in c-groove, his roll is average and his level 2 cancels still aren't as good as his Hurricane IMHO Now bokchoyboy, could you elaborate on how p and k grooves beat guile so badly? Is guile's midrange poking game too predicatable? Is it how they deal with sonic booms, hurting guile's space controlling ability? Or is it because especially air parries expose guile's weakness in the antiair department? I'm the only person in my circle of friends who uses P groove (with guile ) so I really don't know what P and K do to guile that they can't do to anyone else. Again, does guile have a ground b&b combo for punishing mistakes w/o meter? Also does he have any good wake-up moves to break meaty pressure? I don't know how people think Guile is really weak against P or K groove. IMO the best groove vs Guile is prolly A groove... two buttons to blow through anything you telegraph. P groove is not good vs Guile for a couple reasons. Number one... in order to parry his shit you have to guess it right... he has enough medium/low mixups for to give people problems. Also... people seem to forget the art of air throwing vs P, K, and C groove. Its pretty simple... if you don't see them sticking out an attack... just jump up and air throw them. If they are sticking out obvious ones u can go for the Flashkick. If you don't feel safe on what you are doing... simply roll away... your roll is long enough to pretty much reset the match. K groove... has the advantage that P doesn't in the sense... that they don't have to guess... but the problem is is that JDing leaves them near Guile... forcing them to guess whether they need to throw break or JD again... and in the end they still get pressured. His lvl1 flashkick super is pretty good anti meaty... so is his total wipeout supposedly. Posted by popoblo on 03:12:2002 02:05 AM: what do you guys think guile's bread and butter combo(s) is/are? and what type of combo's easily link into his supers, especially the sonic hurricane? Posted by popoblo on 03:12:2002 02:12 AM: what do you guys think guile's bread and butter combo(s) is/are? and what type of combo's easily link into his supers, especially the sonic hurricane? Posted by Zero_Synth on 03:12:2002 04:31 AM: I sense that P groove makes Guile Perfect. He seriously doesn't need Roll cancels, whiffs (S), instant super arts (K). Guile can be very effective without super arts. What P groove mainly does for good P grooving Guile players is add more to their anti-air defense, esp. when some one jumps over Guile SB within Mid-range and C. fierce just won't come out fast enough to avoid trading hits. One thing I've learned is that his Backfist is somewhat slower on start up, his C. fierce covers more ground and should be used after parrying an air attack. Other than that P groove helps him air parrys Dps after jumping after his SB. What can you do after parrying DP? You can either do R. throw (good damage) or c. forward, c. jab, FK/s. strong, Sonic Hurricane. It's even possible to parry into FK in this game including the FK super. For Low parrys you should prepare to do this after doing hop kick/Knee bazooka/c. forward/ whiffed backfist. As for using super arts Sonic Hurricane is the super art of choice, just don't use it for anti-air, use somersault strike instead. I still don't see the point of using level3 Total wipeout, even though it goes through projectiles, it doesn't juggle for one thing and isn't as fast and long ranging as it was in CvS1 in order for all hits to connect. Lastly, someone mentioned there being a 'hole' between c. forward and the fireball and using SH against it. It's also possible to parry the FB and then SH to get all 12. If your within mid range and someone fires projectile SA, parry the first hit and do SH. From what I've seen, the rest of the fireball passes Guile, allowing for all 12 hits to connect. If you're in the corner and the enemy just poked into a fireball, go for a SH. Lastly if the enemy just decides to run,dash,roll or even walk forward within mid range, execute SH. If their not blocking before the Flash it means a free Super for Guile. Even if they end up doing a cross-over-roll, the SH shifts behind Guile to catch them from behind, WTF? Cool stuff to do with Guile in P groove Air parry any attack and do an air grab (its really funny when you do the fierce one) When you don't have a super art after parrying a Mid range FB do Backfist/thrust kick. When you are up against characters with long range attacks you can do a 2-in one parry-dash to get in range for a throw effective against Sagat, Haohmaru, Blankas c. fierce, but not e. hondas hundred hand slap. This can also be applied to parrying mid range FBs. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:39 PM. 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